아이폰, 아이패드 아이콘 사이즈


 Size for iPhone and iPod touch(in pixels) 

 Size for iPad (in pixels) 

 Application icon (required

 57 x 57

 114 x 114 (high resolution)

 72 x 72

 App Store icon (required)

 512 x 512

 512 x 512

 Small icon for Spotlight

search results and Settings


 29 x 29

 58 x 58 (high resolution)

 50 x 50 for Spotlight search results 

 29 x 29 for Settings

 Document icon 

(recommended for custom

document types) 

 22 x 29

 44 x 58 (high resolution)

 64 x 64

 320 x 320

 Web Clip icon

(recommended for web

applications and websites)

 57 x 57

 114 x 114 (high resolution)

 72 x 72

 Toolbar and navigation bar

icon (optional)

 Approximately 20 x 20

 Approximately 40 x 40 (high resolution)

 Approximately 20 x 20

 Tab bar icon (optional)

 Approximately 30 x 30

 Approximately 60 x 60 (high resolution)

 Approximately 30 x 30

 Launch image (required)

 320 x 480

 640 x 960 (high resolution)

 For Portrait: 768 x 1004

 For landscape: 1024 x 748

Note: For all images and icons, the PNG format is recommended.

The standard bit depth for icons and images is 24 bits (8 bits each for red, green, and blue), plus an 8-bit alpha channel.

You do not need to constrain your palette to web-safe colors. Although you can use alpha transparency in the icons you create for navigation bars, toolbars, and tab bars, do not use it in application icons.

출처: Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines


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